• 01014 Kyiv city, Zvirynetskaya street, 63
  • iesfukr@gmail.com
  • +38 098 355 61 99
  • +38 098 283 80 48

Start of the third project The International Skills Development (the webinar) «THE CLOUD STORAGE SERVICE FOR THE ONLINE STUDYING (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE ZOOM PLATFORM)» 31 august - 7 september 2020

Dear colleagues, we inform you about the start of the third project The International Skills Development (the webinar) «THE CLOUD STORAGE SERVICE FOR THE ONLINE STUDYING (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE ZOOM PLATFORM)» 31 august - 7 september 2020

LLC "ALIDZHANOV COMPANY" and NGO "INTERNATIONAL EDUCATORS AND SCIENTISTS FOUNDATION" IESF signed a Memorandum of Cooperation and International Cooperation

LLC "ALIDZHANOV COMPANY" and NGO "INTERNATIONAL EDUCATORS AND SCIENTISTS FOUNDATION" IESF signed a Memorandum of Cooperation and International Cooperation where the parties agreed on the international cooperation of applicants from the Republic of Azerbaijan to study at universities in Ukraine and EU countries under the Double Diploma programs and Erasmus+.

The algorithm of cooperation with us step by step:

  • Contact the company by writing an e-mail letter to iesfukr@gmail.com
  • Select a university in the EU countries for you. Diagnose your needs.
  • Select training programs and career planning at EU universities.
  • Assist in the official registration of documents (invitations to study at a university in the EU and visa support).
  • The departure assistance for studying and staying in an EU country.